George Gallo

Detective Mike Lowrey Monologues

We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.

Now *that's* how you supposed to shoot! From now on, that's how you shoot! Oh man, I want my next partner to shoot like that. WOOOOO... it takes a dysfunctional motherfucker to bust somebody in the head like that. That's some dysfunctional shit! My next partner's gonna invite me to his barbeques and shit, though.

Hey, it got rough. We got caught up in the moment, shit got crazy. You know how I get.

Okay, look, we're a partnership, but we're a partnership with boundaries. We got a new rule. From now on, you can't say the word "flaccid" to me. This is our little "boundary box." We're gonna take the word "flaccid" and put it in there with my mom's titties, and your erection problem, and we gonna close this box and we gonna throw this bitch in the ocean. And the only way that you can get to this box is you gotta be motherfuckin' Jacques Cousteau.

You know, Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. Well, not this one, 'cause I'm gonna fuck this one up. But he should definitely get one like it.

Change the station. More music, less Marcus. If you open the door, he'll be a black Dr. Phil for the next 40 minutes.

It ain't exactly a pool, man. It's like a big-ass puddle wrapped in blue plastic.

It's a donut. It's a medical thing. I got it from a maternity store. You know, a lot of pregnant women use it. They can put one cheek here and take the pressure off the other. For you, dawg.

A bullet in the head will really mess up your extensions!

We got a tip that the Zopehounders were gonna do a hit on cash or drugs from this big time X-man.

Hey, Marcus, you know how when we usually get in these situations, you know I'm always trying to make you feel better, like we're gonna be all right, like we're gonna make it?

Look, I'm down with your spiritual enlightenment and all that, but I need to know right now some crackhead come rollin' up behind me with a nine you gonna cook that fool.

Calm down? I'm calm! I'm calm... Whoaa! Whoa! I am way too unstable for that bullshit! Stop all the goddamn movement! Everybody stop moving!

Just 'cause you got that gun to my partner's head, you're thinking I ain't gonna splatter your shit all over this swamp, huh?

See, that's that new spiritual shit my partner's on. Me? I actually prefer shooting motherfuckers.

Look, why don't we all go home... well we'll go home, you go to a hotel, and we'll work this shit out another day cause none of us is really having a good day right now.

Remember when I went to New York? And I said, "Syd". I ran into Syd. I mean, Syd ran into me. In New York on the street. And I said, "wassup?" and we was hungry. So then she had fish. It was grouper. Then I had some chicken. I was supposed to come home, but I didn't.

I just got outta jail and I ain't going back! I ain't going back!

Jimmy Serrano Monologues

Is this moron number one? Put moron number two on the phone.

Sidney, siddown, relax, have a sandwich, drink a glass of milk, do some fuckin' thing.

Don't say a word to me, Sidney, don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head.

You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved in your work, or I'm gonna stab you through the heart with a fuckin' pencil. Do you understand me?

Sidney, relax. Have a cream soda. Everything's gonna be all over with in a few minutes.

I thought you said this guy was gonna be on the plane.

"That's the information we got." I'm gonna tell you something. I want this guy taken out, and I want him taken out fast. You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved in your work, or I'm gonna stab you through the heart with a fucking pencil. You get the message?

This is it. Tonight is the fucking night. I am tired of all these screw-ups. As soon as I get the discs from Walsh, you guys drop Walsh and then you drop the Duke. You understand? I get the discs, you drop them.

So I'm finally in the presence of greatness, huh? The Duke. The guy that steals money from the scum of the earth and gives it to the unfortunates of the world. I wanted to meet you face to face. Did you actually think that you were gonna steal my money and get away with it? I stopped by here to tell you two things. Number one is that you're gonna die tonight. Number two, I'm gonna go home, have a nice hot meal, I'm gonna find your wife and I'm gonna kill her, too.

I'm gonna blow-torch the both of yous if you don't bring back the Duke.

Well, if Walsh is that good, Tony, maybe I should hire him to hit YOU.

Jack Walsh Monologues

Where am I? I'm in Boise, Idaho. No, no, no, wait a minute, I'm in Anchorage, Alaska. No, no, wait, I'm in Casper, Wyoming. I'm in the lobby of a Howard Johnson's and I'm wearing a pink carnation.

I am not talking to you, I am talking to the other guys.

Well, let me describe the scene to you. There are these guys, see? They've probably been up for like two days. They stink of B.O., they have coffee breath, they're constipated from sittin' on their asses for so long, they're sitting in a van, and they're probably parked right up the street from your office, Eddie. YOUR PHONE IS TAPPED!

I know my rights. You owe me phone calls.

Ten years for impersonating a fed, huh?

How comes no one's after you?

I can't keep you cuffed on a commercial flight, and I gotta check my gun with my luggage, but you fuck with me once and I'm gonna break your neck.


No, no, no. You're going to have to do better than that, pal.

What does that mean?

I'll tell you what: if you don't cooperate, you're gonna suffer from "fistophobia".

You wouldn't have change for a thousand, would ya?

Looks like I'm walkin'.

Can I ask you something? These sunglasses, they're really nice: are they government-issued, or all you guys go to the same store to get them?


How can I argue with this guy. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.

I never took a payoff in my life and I'm not gonna start with someone like you.

Because you're a fucking criminal and you deserve to go where you're going and I'm gonna take you there and if I hear any more shit outta you: I'm gonna fucking bust your head and I'll put you back in that fucking hole and I'm gonna stick your head in the fucking toilet bowl and I'm gonna make it stay there.

Eddie... I'll do it for a hundred-thousand.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm tired of getting shot at. I'm tired of this miserable fucking business, every low-life that I run into. If you're going to pay me, you gotta pay me what's right. You want me for this job, gimme what's right.

Can I get my money first?

You? Never. You would never try to stiff me.

I've known you for all of two mins & already I don't like you

You can FLY, you son of a bitch?

What am I telling you for… What am I telling you for… What am I… I'll tell you what I'm telling you for

Where am I? I'm at the airport! And guess who I'm with? I'm with the Duke!

Yeah, you wanna say hello?

Yeah, say hello!

Yeah! Now say goodbye, you lying little piece of shit, because I'm letting him go!

Shit, there's goes my hundred grand!

Yeah. What's he paying you?

We have more monologues for You!