The Best Way to Find Your Next Monologue

I know your pain! Finding the best monologue for your next audition is challanging. But never fear, I’m here to help!

There are a few key things to keep in mind when searching for the perfect monologue:

  1. Who is your character speaking to?
  2. What is the context of the scene?
  3. What is your character’s goal in the scene?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you zero in on a monologue that is just right for you.

For example, let’s say you’re auditioning for a play that takes place in the 1800s. In this case, you’ll want to find a monologue that reflects the language and mannerisms of that time period.

Conversely, if you’re auditioning for a contemporary piece, you’ll want to find a monologue that feels natural and current.

No matter what play or film you’re auditioning for, make sure your monologue is well suited to the character you’re playing. If it isn’t, it will be painfully obvious to everyone in the room, and that’s not the impression you want to make!

Before you start hunting, check out tips for your finding the best monologues journey:

Know your type

Whether you’re a dramatic or comedic actor, make sure you’re looking for material that suits your strengths.

Consider the source

If you’re looking for contemporary pieces, steer clear of classical literature. And vice versa!

Go off-script

Sometimes the best monologues are ones that you create yourself. Draw inspiration from your own life experiences or from current events to craft a unique piece that will really wow your audience.

Practice, practice, practice!

No matter how good your material is, it won’t matter if you don’t deliver it with conviction. So memorize your lines and rehearse until you feel confident and comfortable with the piece.

Read a lot of plays

The more you read, the more likely you are to find a piece that speaks to you.

Get recommendations from fellow actors

Ask around and see if anyone has any suggestions for good monologues.

Attend open auditions

Not only will this give you exposure to a variety of materials, but it’s also a great way to network with industry professionals.

Be patient

Don’t expect to find the perfect monologue overnight OR! you can start to search for monologues in our database and find them in no time!

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect monologue for your next performance!