Stanley Motss

Stanley Motss Monologues

This is NOTHING.

It's all, you know, thinking ahead thinking ahead.

Yea, it's like a plumber: do your job right and nobody should notice. But when you fuck it up, everything gets full of shit.

Look at that! That is a complete fucking fraud, and it looks a hundred percent real. It's the best work I've ever done in my life, because it's so honest.

The war isn't over 'til I say it's over. This is my picture - this is NOT the CIA's picture. You think you're in a tight spot now? Alright, Conrad, try making The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse - tell 'im, King.

Hear what he's saying? Three of the horseman DIED. Two weeks before the end of principal photography. This is NOTHING. This is nothing, this is - this is - this is just, "Act One, The War". Now we really do need an Act Two.

Big mistake, big mistake. You gotta bring them in by stages. Big mistake to reveal Schumann before the election.

Sweetheart, Schumann is the shark. Okay? Schumann is Jaws, you know? You have to tease them. You gotta tease them. You don't put Jaws in the first reel of the movie. It's the contract, sweetheart. The contract of the election, whether they know it or not, is "Vote for me Tuesday, Wednesday I'll produce Schumann." See, that's what they're paying their seven bucks for.

Fuck the world. Try a ten a.m. script meeting, coked to the gills, no sleep and you haven't even read the treatment.

This is nothing! Piece of cake! Producing is being a samurai warrior. They pay you day in, day out for years so that one day when called upon, you can respond, your training at its peak, and save the day!

You take the fruit of forty years - hard lessons, mistakes - and you call it wisdom.

When it's cooking, it's cooking.

This is politics at its finest.

Haven't had this much fun since live TV!

You know, Connie? I felt very much at home in there. Simple quirk of fate. I could have gone this way. It's all a change in wardrobe.

You know, you can't save the world. All you can do is try.

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