Tobias Wolff

Tobias 'Toby' Wolff Monologues

You can dream of a moment for years and still somehow miss it when it comes. You've got to reach through the flames and take it, or lose it forever. I took it. So did my mother. We never looked back.

I got this scholarship and he went nuts! He's crazy and I'm leaving!

Oh, no, no. Don't worry. I'm gone! Just give me my paper route money.

Sometimes I had to blame somebody; she was the only one there.

My application forms must've come today and he threw 'em away!

It's not the shoes, is it? Or the candy, or anything else. It's me, Isn't? You just can't stand the fact that I exist.

It was 1957. We were driving from Florida to Utah. After my mother was beaten up by her boyfriend, we got in the Nash and high-tailed it for the uranium fields. We were gonna get rich and change our luck, which hadn't been so hot since our family broke up five years back.

Dwight said I had as much chance of passing the test as he had of farting his way through the star spangled banner.

Dwight Hansen Monologues

I know a thing or two about a thing or two!

That's right, I spent it all as you made it, for things that we needed! It's gone! Poof! Poof!

Oh, fancy, fancy talk. Fancy talk for a whore. Fancy talk. Oh, yeah! I know a thing or two about a thing or two. I've got friends in this town and they tell me things. And I found out some guy down at that campaign headquarters, he found you a job in Washington, D.C. You're gonna run off with him aren't ya, Miss Whore? Aren't ya, Miss Whore?

You can get it doggy-style or you can get it laying on your side. Those are your only choices. This is my house and I get to say. Got it?

What about me? What about me? When is it ever Dwight's turn for some consideration? What about me? I'll tell you one thing: You'll remember me!

Hey, I thought I was helping him. Thought I save him some trouble, 'cause he got no chance of gettin' into some fancy prep school.

Now come on! Come on! Let's go, god damn it, let's start, you little fuckin' sissy, all your god damn fuckin' life, quitter, gonna be a god damned quitter, let's go, damn you! Don't go all shy and delicate on me, you're acting as sissy as little miss Arthur Gale, you know that? And you know what I'm gonna call you, I'm gonna call you little miss Jackie Wolff. Oh my yes, oh Jackie, oh my yes, little miss Jackie Wolff, little miss Jackie Wolff… Is that what you want me to call you? Is that what you want the kids in school to call you? Come on, let's go, come on, let's do it. Oh, Jesus Christ, if you're gonna act like a…

Every time I come home, I feel the top of the TV to see if its warm, and it always is!

Yeah, you pull that hot shot stuff around me, and I'll break every bone in your goddamn body. You understand me? Yeah, you're in for a change, mister, a whole 'nother ball game.

Hey, leopard. I said hey, leopard. I know you, leopard. I can see those spots that you can't change, leopard. Huh, leopard? Huh?

Hey look it's the Hot Shot that thinks he knows everything. Buddy, what you don't know would fill a book. Edsel's a piece of shit car.

I trade an old piece of crap for a valuable hunting dog and all you can do is piss and moan! Make your own deals from now on!

Well... You can want in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills first.

This is nothing compared to what you're gonna get, dammit!

I don't believe that crap, you know, I believe there is such a thing as a bad boy, bad clear through. It's gonna be my job to set you straight. That's right, to kill or cure. Kill or cure!

You don't know it yet, but me and Concrete are in your blood. We'll make a man of you yet. In years to come you'll thank me. You'll remember me… me and Concrete!

Only me on this whole Earth to straighten you out, and I will do it, kill or cure. Kill or cure.

Hey, Leopard. I say "Hey, Leopard". I know you, leopard. I can see those spots that you can't change, leopard. Huh, leopard? Huh? Thinks he can go to some fancy prep school to fool everybody? Well, not a chance. Not a chance. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. I sure do. I sure do.

A neighbor of mine says, "Looking for nice churches, come to Concrete. Looking for sin, go to hell."

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