Suzanne Collins

Plutarch Heavensbee Monologues

No. No, no, listen to me. No one else who can do this but her.

Obviously, we need to make it personal. Remind her who the real enemy is.

Unless she's forgortten. There's explaining and there's showing. Let her see what the capital did to 12.

This is the only choice you have. People don't always show up the way you want them to, Madame President. But that anger, that anger-driven defiance, that's what we want. And we can redirect it. We need to unite these people out there that have been doing nothing but killing each other in an arena for years. We have to have a lightning rod. They'll follow her. She's the face of the revolution. Let her see it. Let her go home.

That's it! That's her! Right there! Isn't that what I promised you? Now if she wears the costume, gunfire in the background, a hint of smoke… Our Mockingjay. Madam President, we're losing ground because people are losing heart, this is worth the risk, she's worth the risk. Pardons, tribunals, power to the people, that can all be the bedrock for the new Panem, but with more time I think even the normal sub-causes can be bent a little bit, right?

Katniss Everdeen Monologues

I have a message for President Snow. You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground. But do you see that? Fire is catching… And if we burn… you burn with us!

You will rescue Peeta at the earliest opportunity, or you will find another Mockingjay.

I never wanted any of this, I never wanted to be in the Games, I just wanted to save my sister and keep Peeta alive.

Start simple. Start with that you know is true. My name is Katniss Everdeen. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. Peeta... Peeta was left behind.

I've decided I will be your Mockingjay, but I have... some conditions. Peeta and the other tributes, Johanna Mason and Annie Cresta, will be rescued at the earliest opportunity. If and when Peeta is liberated, he will receive a full and unconditional pardon, no punishment will be inflicted. And the same goes for the other tributes.

It's not their fault. You be them in the arena. They're doing and saying whatever they can to survive.

The victors will be granted immunity, and you will announce that in front of the entire population of 13. You will hold yourself and your government responsible, or you will find another Mockingjay.

Peeta Mellark Monologues

Katniss, I don't... I don't know kind of deals you made with Haymitch, but he made me promises too.

If you die, and I live, I'd have nothing. Nobody else that I care about.

It's different for you. Your family needs you.

You have to live. For them.

Nobody needs me.

See, Katniss, the way the whole "friend" thing works is you have to tell each other the deep stuff.

You don't have to apologize to anybody, including me. I know it's not fair of me to hold you to things that you said in the games - you saved us, I know that - but I can't go on acting for the cameras and then just ignoring each other in real life; so, if you can stop looking at me like I'm wounded, then I can quit acting like it, and then MAYBE we have a shot at being friends.

For starters, it does help when you know the person. I hardly know anything about you except that you're stubborn and good with a bow.

Though they fought and lived with honor and dignity until the end, both Thresh and Rue were so young. But our lives aren't just measured in years. They're measured in the lives of people we touch around us. For myself, for Katniss, we know that without Rue, and without Thresh, we wouldn't be standing here today.

Remember, Katniss, today's about making allies.

The Careers are still out there. If we stick with these guys till midnight and... and if we hear a cannon, we go.

President Snow Monologues

Seneca, why do you think we have a winner? If we just wanted to intimidate the districts, why not just round up twenty- four of them at random and execute them all at once?… Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. But it is also delicate. It can get out of control. Like a fire. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. The spark is fine as long as you contain it.

War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won. A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born. But freedom has a cost. When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again. And so it was decreed that, each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up, in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future.

Welcome, and happy Hunger Games.

Cato Monologues

Go on! Shoot, and we both go down and you win. Go on. I’m dead anyway. I always was, right? I couldn’t tell that until now. How’s that, is that what they want? I can still do this… I can still do this! One more kill. It’s the only thing I know how to do, bringing pride to my district. Not that it matters.

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