Luc Besson

Mathilda Monologues

I don't wanna lose you, Leon.

Leon, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you.

It's the first time for me, you know?

In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... it's gone.

I finished growing up, Léon. I just get older.

I was more of a mother to him than thaat goddamn pig ever was!

I don't give a shit about sleeping, Leon. I want love, or death. That's it.

Yeah, I forgot. You know, I never saw someone with one eye open snore so much.

I hope you're not lying Leon. I really hope that deep down there's no love in you. And if there is, I think in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you Leon.

I am writing here the name of a girl in the class who makes me sick. If things get hot, she'll take the heat.

OK. My family they got shot down by D.E.A. officers because of a drug problem. I left with the greatest guy on earth. He was a hitman, the best in town, but he died this morning. And if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.

If somebody didn't do it one day or another, I probably would have done it myself.

How much would it cost to hire someone to get those dirtbags who killed my brother?

Wow. How about this: I work for you; in exchange, you teach me how to clean. Hmmm? What do you think? I'll clean your place, I'll do the shopping, I'll even wash your clothes. Is it a deal?

Forget? After I've seen the outline of my brother's body on the floor, you expect me to forget? I wanna kill those sons of bitches, and blow their fucking heads off!

You know a girl's first time is very important. It determines the rest of her life sexually. I read that once in one of my sister's magazine. My girlfriends told me they hated their first experience. That's because they didn't love the guys. They just did it to show off. Afterwards, they started liking it. Like cigarette. Will i like it the first time?

Leon Monologues

You're not going to lose me. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. And you'll never be alone again, Mathilda. Please, go now, baby, go. Calm down, I'll meet you at Tony's in an hour, I love you, now go, go now.

How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?

Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.

You need some time to grow up a little.

For me it's the opposite. I'm old enough. I need time to grow up.

The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.

No, just curious… Because, I've been working a long time… And I havent done anything with my… I thought maybe someday I could use it.

There was someone a long time ago. Before I came to the States. Her father didn't want her to see me. She was from a very respectable family. Mine was, you know, not so respectable. Her dad went nuts every time she'd take off to see me.

When it's tough like this, you know it's gonna be ugly. Better make it quick, or else you will be here all day listening to his crap.

He killed her. One shot to the head. They kept him in jail for two days. They let him go free. They said it was an accident. So, one night I waited for him. 500 feet with a lens. He also had an accident.

You still have your gun, so use it. Just do me a favor, don't shoot it out the window.

Relax. Everything's fine. Sleep well? I never really sleep. Got one eye open always.

Jake Green Monologues

There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning, the only reason you suffer the shitty boss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. "Fear or revere me, but please think I'm special." We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The "hip, hip, hoo-fucking-rah." Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on, you crazy diamond. Cos we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others.

The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.

One thing I've learned in the last seven years: in every game and con there's always an opponent, and there's always a victim. The trick is to know when you're the latter, so you can become the former.

Oh, I know you're still there… cause I can feel you dying. I can hear you tapping me… for a little nutrition. Now who's looking for a fix? It gets a little tight in here, do you? Well, you're not wrong… cause the walls are moving in. No food here. Not today, sunshine. My eyes are open and the restaurant's closed. Jog on. Slide off. Find someone else to fill your pipe. Someone, who won't see you coming… or know, when you're there.

The longer you listen, the sweeter the pitch.

Now I've got to spend the next two minutes, shaking... and sweating... like a crack whore looking for a fix... Should have taken the stairs... cause it's getting very... very tight in here.

Gradually they thought they'd found a formula to the con. A formula to win the ultimate win.

Bryan Mills Monologues

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

You come to this country, take advantage of the system and think because we are tolerant that we are weak and helpless. Your arrogance offends me. And for that the rate just went up 10%.

You know, we used to outsource this kind of thing. But what we found was the countries we outsourced to had unreliable power grids. Very Third World. You'd turn on a switch - power wouldn't come on, and then tempers would get short. People would resort to pulling fingernails. Acid drips on bare skin. The whole exercise would become counterproductive. But here, the power's stable. Here, there's a nice even flow. Here, you can flip a switch and the power stays on all day. Where is she?

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