Liz Hannah

Violet Markey Monologues

I wasn't worried about what would happen if I lived. I was worried about what would happen if I didn't.

I used to be worried about everything. Things that seemed meaningful were actually meaningless. I worried about life. I worried about what would happen if I let myself feel again. I thought I didn't deserve to. Then, without really knowing, I changed. I wasn't worried about what would happen if I lived; I was worried about what would happen if I didn't... what I would miss. I worried about not remembering; not remembering all of the moments, all of the places. And that's because of Finch. Because he taught me to wander. He taught me that you don't need to climb a mountain to stand on top of the world, and even the ugliest places can be beautiful - as long as you take the time to look. And it's okay to get lost, as long as you find your way back. But, in learning all of that, I missed seeing something more important; seeing Finch. I missed that he was in pain. I missed that he was teaching me all along how to move on. Finch was a dreamer. He dreamt while he was awake. He dreamt of all the beauty in the world and he made it come to life. Finch taught me that there's beauty in the most unexpected of places, and that there are bright places even in dark times. And that, if there isn't, you can be that bright place... with infinite capacities.

Kay Graham Monologues

Do you know what my husband said about the news? He called it the first rough draft of history.

My decision stands, and I'm going to bed.

Well, I've never smoked a cigar. And I have no problem holding Lyndon or Jack or Bob or any of them accountable. We can't hold them accountable if we don't have a newspaper.

I'm here asking your advice, Bob, not your permission.

This is no longer my father's company. It's no longer my husband's company. It's my company.

For them! But, you know, the bankers always fiddle with the prices. But, for *us*, that's over 3 million dollars and that represents over 5 years salary for 25 good reporters.

The Nixon White House is nothing if not vindictive. Just this morning they barred us from covering Trisha Nixon's wedding.

No. Probably not. Although, when Ben sets his mind to plunder, its not hard to imagine something more serious. Catastrophic events - do occur, you know.

Ben, that's not my role. You know that. I wouldn't presume to tell you how to write about him. Just as I wouldn't take it upon myself to tell him he should hand over a classified study, which would be a crime, by the way, just so he can serve as your source.

When Phil died it was just - I was 45 years old and I had never held - I never had to hold a job in my life. But, I just, I loved the paper, you know. I do. I do so love the paper. I don't want it to be my fault. I don't want to be the one - I don't want to let Phil and my father and all of you kids and everybody down.

This company has been in my life for longer than most of the people working there have been alive. So, I don't need the lecture on legacy.

Alright, then. My decision stands. And I'm - going to bed.

Ben Bradlee Monologues

Well, if we live in a world where the government could tell us what we can and cannot print, then the Washington Post as we know it has already ceased to exist.

Are you suggesting we alert the Attorney General to the fact that we have these documents, that we're going to print, in a few days?

We have to be the check on their power. If we don't hold them accountable, then, my God, who will?

Jack Kennedy. The night he was assassinated, Tony and I were down at the Naval Hospital so we would be there to meet Jackie when she landed. She was bringing Jack's body back on the plane from Dallas and she walked into the room. She was still wearing that pink suit, with Jack's blood all over it. She fell into Tony's arms and they held each other for quite a long time. And then Jackie looked at me and said, "None of this. None of what you see. None of what I say, is ever going to be in your newspaper, Ben." And that just about broke my heart. I never - never thought of Jack as a source. I thought of him as a friend. And that was my mistake. And it was something that Jack knew all along. We can't be both. We have to choose. And - that's the point. The days of us smoking cigars together on Pennsylvania Avenue were over.

You know, the only couple I knew that both Kennedy and LBJ wanted to socialize with was you and your husband.

When I get my hands on that study, what are you going to do, Mrs. Graham? Oh, happy birthday, by the way.

No matter what happens tomorrow, we are not a little local paper anymore.

We have more monologues for You!