James Fogle

Bob Monologues

Well, to begin with, nobody, and I mean nobody, can talk a junkie out of using. You can talk to 'em for years but sooner or later they're gonna get ahold of something. Maybe it's not dope. Maybe it's booze, maybe it's glue, maybe it's gasoline. Maybe it's a gunshot to the head. But something. Something to relieve the pressures of their everyday life, like having to tie their shoes.

Most people don't know how they're gonna feel from one moment to the next. But a dope fiend has a pretty good idea. All you gotta do is look at the labels on the little bottles.

There's nothing more life-affirming than getting the shit kicked outta ya'.

Diane was my wife. I loved her, and she loved dope. So we made a good couple.

All these kids, they're all TV babies. Watching people killing and fucking each other on the boob tube for so long it's all they know. Hell, they think it's legal. They think it's the right thing to do.

I knew it in my heart. You can buck the system but you can't buck the dark forces that lie hidden beneath the surface. The ones some people call superstitions.

Man, I love cops. If there were no hot shit cops like Gentry around, the competition would be so heavy there'd be nothing left to steal.

What do you want? You want my life story?

I'm a junkie, I like drugs, I like the whole lifestyle. But it just didn't pay off. You know, you don't see my kind of people. Because my kind of people don't beg dope, they go out and get it.

I was still alive. Hope they can keep me alive.

Alright everybody just act cool. Just like we got back from church.

Next time you step into the middle of one of my deals to help me with my arithmetic, I'll sell you to the first one-eyed carnival freak I can find for a pack of chewing gum!

Look at me babe, I'm hysterical.

An there's mirrors: never look at the backside of a mirror. Because when you do, it'll affect your future; because you're looking at yourself backwards. No, you're looking at your inner self - and you don't recognize it because you've never seen it before. Anyway, you can freeze in to motion your future. And that can be either good or bad. In any case we don't wanna take any chances.

Diane what the fuck are you doing? You on glue or something?

Babe, you're going to flip out when you see this one man!

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