Ehren Kruger

Michael Faraday Monologues

You can't ask government to be infallible, but you can ask it to be accountable.

You know, when Leah died, all I wanted was someone to tell me, "We made a mistake." You know? "We made a mistake. Your wife suffered for it, and we'd take it back a hundred times if we could." But they don't say that. She would've.

What are you doing? How many people are you going to kill?

They asked you what you stand for. You tell them, you stand for blowing up families. For orphan sons. Your father really killed himself you son of a bitch? Or is that just where you got your start?

Call it off.

It's not for me, call it off!

Call off the bomb! Call off the fuckin' bomb!

I was right… I…

Where's my son? Where's Grant? Where is he?

I saved your son's life!

I said I saved your son's life!

But… what about Brooke? Did you…

No! The government's not who you're killing!

You're killing children! Children die!

Oliver Lang Monologues

Where do we go from here?

I hope so.


I can ask it to be honest.

If you want to be his father, you will walk to your house, sleep in your bed, teach your classes, and live your life!

Well, if I see any strange cars on my street, if you feel compelled to talk to someone, a federal agent perhaps, I imagine we're just going to kill one.

Michael, because of you my son is alive. I would like very much to return the favor.

It's for you, Michael. We're doing this for you. It's for all of us.

Are you happy in your godless suburban life?

They sent your wife to her death, Michael! Surely you won't be sorry to see them go?

Go on… run. You're too late!

How was St. Louis? Dr. Scobee doing all right?

You're doing it again, Michael. I told you if you want to know something about me, just ask.

He's with mine. They're safe. They're out on an excursion…

I'm sorry, what?

I know you did. That is the reason why you're still alive.

Brooke got in the way. I'm sorry about that, but we're on a schedule.

I'm a messenger Michael, I'm a messenger! There's millions of us, waiting to take up arms, ready to spread the word... millions of us!

Yes. Yes... they'll pay. They'll pay for their sins. Their lies.

Children... I know that. This is war, Michael. In a war, children die.

Never wiser than when we're children. They say it and it's true. We'll never see things that clear again.

Their lies, their children.

This is war. In a war, children die.

He's a good kid. A strong kid. Reminds me of a boy I grew up with. Maybe you've heard of him. Oliver Lang? I found him in the woods one day. I would hate for Grant to see the same thing.

You're the sick fuck!

We have more monologues for You!