David Marconi

Thomas Brian Reynolds Monologues

We never dealt with domestic. With us, it was always war. We won the war. Now we're fighting the peace. It's a lot more volatile. Now we've got ten million crackpots out there with sniper scopes, sarin gas and C-4. Ten-year-olds go on the Net, downloading encryption we can barely break, not to mention instructions on how to make a low-yield nuclear device. Privacy's been dead for years because we can't risk it. The only privacy that's left is the inside of your head. Maybe that's enough. You think we're the enemy of democracy, you and I? I think we're democracy's last hope.

So tell me what was on that tape.

What will it take for us to walk out of here with that video tape?

This son-of-a-bitch is not gonna be the last chapter of my life!

You know what I've seen? I've seen killers walk free because the eyewitness was an alcoholic. I've seen sex offenders that couldn't be touched because the victim was a call girl. Credibility... it's the only currency that means anything on this kind of playing field.

Edward 'Brill' Lyle Monologues

In guerrilla warfare, you try to use your weaknesses as strengths.

Well, if they're big and you're small, then you're mobile and they're slow. You're hidden and they're exposed. You only fight battles you know you can win. That's the way the Vietcong did it. You capture their weapons and you use them against them the next time.

The government's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the forties. They've infected everything. They get into your bank statements, computer files, email, listen to your phone calls… Every wire, every airwave. The more technology used, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. At least it'd better be.

No. To your family, your friends, everybody you know, everybody you meet. That's why I went away and didn't come back. You've got to go away, Robert.

Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking to your wife on the phone and you use the word "bomb", "president", "Allah", any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red-flags it for analysis. That was 20 years ago.

In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now with calls bouncing off satellites, they snatch'em right out of the air.

So, we were helping the secret police supply weapons… to the Afghani rebels fighting the Soviets. My partner and I were on the eastern border monitoring Soviet military transmissions. It was kind of fun actually.

I liked the Iranians. Back in Tehran, the hard-liners seized the embassy, and overnight, the whole country changed. People we'd been working with, they turned on us. I got out. My partner didn't. By the time I got home, the whole mission had become a press disaster waiting to happen. Aiding and abetting the new enemy. The agency conveniently forgot I existed. I don't blame them. It's what they had to do. I loved the agency. I loved the work. I loved the people. It was my whole life.

Yeah. The idea was…

…the idea always was that if one of us got out, he'd take care of the other's family.

Rachel was all he had. So she became my promise to him.

Robert Clayton Dean Monologues

What life? You live in a fucking jar so the world can't touch you. And Rachel, you didn't give a shit about Rachel. Just some package under seat number 32 to you.

I'm all you've got. And you're all I've got.

Sure. Everything except forming a company called Zurich, or knowing anybody who is named Sam Velotti, or having any connection, whatsoever to the Peitzo family. This is Ridiculous.

Wait, wait. This is Pintero, he's coming after me. You give me 1 week, 1 week and 4 people from litigation, and I can guarantee you, we can have this guy begging us…

I'll tell you what. Rachael, was my girlfriend in my second year of law school, we still remain in close contact, and we swap information from time to time.

Ever beat off in the shower, Brian? Ever had any homosexual thoughts?

None of my fuckin' business. You're damn right it's not. I love my wife and I love my son, absolutely, with no equivocations, and that's none of your fuckin' business either.

No I was picking something up for myself, I do a little cross dressing on the weekends. You know, you'd be surprised how a nice pair of edible panties can make a guy feel sexy.

Actually, I believe the term "shyster" is reserved for attorneys of the Jewish persuasion. I believe the proper term for me is "eggplant".

You're the only woman for me. You and Janet Jackson.

No, I don't think so. This is my life, I worked hard for it and I want it back. I grew up without a father, I know what that is. And I will not allow my family to go through that.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Listen. Now, we can go get a warrant and come back with the FBI, take anything we want, arrest anybody that we want. Just give the man the video tape!

Honey, *I* found out like this. These are all lies, okay, none of this stuff is true.

Yes, we had lunch together, she is the contact for the investigator, Brill. You're right about this, they got this from the security camera from the restaurant.

She's not, I have to see her for business.

Carla, I am "smeared" all over the newspaper today for money-laundering schemes, mob ties, I lost my job. I am telling you, I am telling you is, trust me, on this Rachel Banks thing right now.

Carla, I'm telling you, this is all bullshit!

Carla, how can you expect me to do this when you believe in this bullshit?

Baby, I love you and only you. That is it… And I love your family… except for your dad.

We have more monologues for You!