Brent Hanley

Adam Meiks Monologues

He was my father. I loved him even if he had gone crazy.

No. I should've, but I was afraid. I mean, I loved my father but I was terrified of him.

I guess I avoided it because I wanted to.

You know, you never did tell me why it is you just keep that one picture of your mother in your office.

He said he had a vision, a vision from God.

An angel came to him and told him the truth of this world. And revealed God's special purpose for are family.

I didn't know what to say or how to feel.

I was too messed up to understander. End knowledge.

I didn't realize it at that moment, at least not consciously, but my happy and mostly secure world had just flipped over, and there were dark things under there...

Very dark things.

And my little boy's mind just couldn't take it.

Dad told us that there were moments in everyone's life when they could suddenly just disappear without anyone knowing where they went or why. He said those were the moments when God's hands would reach out and take you. According to Dad, nothing, not even a camera could catch us. We were invisible when we were God's hands.

I started digging that goddamn hole, but I did not pray. I would not. I hated God, I despised him. My hatred helped me dig, kept me going. Dad's, or God's, or the Angel's or whoever's plan it was would not work on me. I knew what Dad was doing was wrong, and nothing was gonna change that.

I hated Dad's God, and I would have run away if it weren't for my brother. I just couldn't leave him there.

We lived right behind the Thurman public Rose Garden. In the house where they used to keep the gardeners back in the fifties. Dad had gotten a good deal on it back when him and mom got married.

Adam was three years younger than me. Our mama died giving birth to him, so, I basically took care of him for as long as I can remember.

Our dad worked as a mechanic over in Jupiter. He usually got home around 5:30 and we'd all have dinner together.

God had come to Dad earlier that day and told him that the time had come. After work he drove down to Jacksonville, about forty-five minutes or so southwest of Thurman. He said he had never been there before but he had no trouble finding it, God was leading him.

Dad Meiks Monologues

Come in and close the door. Are you afraid?

Of what?

Only demons should fear me. You're not a demon, are you? The angel said you were. I can't believe that. I won't. You're my son, and I love you more than my own life. You know what's funny about all this, Fenton? I'm afraid of you.

You didn't think anyone knew about that, did you? But God saw you!

And you can't escape God's wrath!

We don't kill people, we destroy demons.

You can't make things like that up, son. Killing people is wrong, destroying demons is good. Don't worry, God will send you your own list when you're older.

I never killed a man in my whole life!

I never killed a man before tonight.

Don't cry for her son, she wasn't human.

Ain't that Travis kid the boy whose been givin' you trouble at school?

No, Adam. Do it like this.

It's got to be done a certain way. The Angel was real specific.

God chose it, just like he chose us, I suppose. Don't cry for her, Fenton! She wasn't human. Didn't you see that when I touched her?

I didn't kill her, son, I destroyed her. She was a demon. You know, I wasn't so sure I could do it myself. I mean, she looked like a woman to me, too. But after I touched her... all I could see is the evil. And I had to do it. I'm sorry you didn't see it too, you will next time.

This is our job now, son. You have to accept that.

You can't stop it; we're doing God's work here.

If you do, somebody will die. The Angel was clear on that, do you understand? Answer me, Fenton, do you understand?

You're my son, and I love you more than my own life. But you know what's funny about all of this, Fenton? I'm afraid of you…

I need you both to listen to me very carefully. Something's happen.

The end of the world is coming, it's near. The angel showed me. There are demons among us, the Devil has released them for the final battle. It's being fought, right now. But, nobody knows it except us and others like us.

There's nothing to be afraid of tiger. We've been chosen by God, he'll protect us. We've been given special jobs to do. We don't fear these demons, we destroy them. We pick them up one-by-one and we pitch them out of this world. That's God's purpose for us. The Angel called us God's hands.

That's right. We're a family of superheroes who are going to help save the world.

I know it sounds that way, son. But it's the truth.

Well… we can see the demons, when other people can't. And the Angel told me that God would be sending us three weapons to destroy them with.

I imagine so.

I don't know the Angel just said soon. That's all I was told except that, we're not suppose to tell anybody about any of this, absolutely no one. If you do, you put them and ourselves in danger. Fenton... don't worry it's okay. It's a lot to understand. I wanted to wait to tell you 'til once I had the chance to figure it out myself. But the angel said I, I had to do it now. Fenton?

Do you understand what I told you? Judgment day is here.

Soon we'll all be in heaven. Me, you, Adam, with mommy...

Judgment day is here…

We've been chosen by God.

I want you to know,I've never killed anything in my whole life.

I did a lot of thinking and praying after you went to bed. I asked the Angel to visit you, instead he visited me. He told me something... that I don't want to believe.

It doesn't matter, because together you and I are going to prove him wrong. You just don't have any faith, that's why you can't see the truth. But we're going to change that.

I want you to dig a hole right here. It needs to be about ten feet deep, fifteen feet wide on both sides. The length and width should form a perfect square.

You heard me.

Because I'm your father and you do what I tell you. Understand? Do you?

Alright then, I expect half that to be done by the time I get home from work tonight.

Do it like I showed you, the neck is first.

They may look like people on the outside, but inside…

I know it sounds that way, son, but it's the truth.

What has to be done has to be done. So, kiddo, does it have to be done?

That's a demon, son.

Do you see what you made me do? You made me commit murder...

I still can't figure out what these gloves are for...

I'm just yolkin' with ya, egghead.

Come on out here, Adam.

Shine that light over here.

That's a demon, son. Come on in here, boys, it's all right. Come on, don't be afraid.

Cynthia Harbridge?

Fenton, if I could spare you of this I would. But we are God's servants, and his will must be served! Don't be afraid, son.

We have more monologues for You!