Annie Mumolo

Joy Monologues

Don't ever think that the world owes you anything, because it doesn't. The world doesn't owe you a thing.

Never speak, on my behalf, about my business, again.

No, Christie, Mimi was wrong. The world does not *give* you opportunities, the world destroys the opportunities. It breaks the heart. I should have listened to my mother, when I was 10 years old. I should have spent the rest of my life watching TV and hiding from the world like my mother. So I don't want to hear anymore about Mimi. She was wrong, she had her head in the clouds, and it was full of stupid ideas, and it gave me stupid ideas. But this?

I so hated to leave her that day. I had so much I wanted to say to her... and to my great-granddaughter. I felt I wanted to stay near her and watch over her.

Annie Mumolo Monologues

Really quick! Speaking of Consuelo, Lillian and I took Spanish together in school. And so, I would just like to say to you and to everyone here, "Gracias para vivar en la casa, en la escuelas, en… en la azul… "markada". Tienes con "bibir" en las Fortuashla?" and gracias!

No, Lillian! What are you gonna go, you're gonna go to Paris with Helen now? What are you gonna, you guys gonna ride around on bikes with berets and fucking baguettes in the basket on the front of your bikes? Oh how romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right? Lesbian! We're all thinking it, aren't we?

Lillian, this is not the you that I know! The you that I know would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and would have thought that this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid! Look at this shower! Look at that *fucking* cookie! Did you really think that this group of women was gonna finish that cookie? Really, and you know that reminds me actually; I never got a chance to try that *fucking* cookie!

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