Angelo Pizzo

Coach Norman Dale Monologues

If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential, to be the best that you can be, I don't care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game, in my book we're gonna be winners.

My practices aren't designed for your enjoyment.

I would hope you would support who we are. Not, who we are not. These six individuals have made a choice to work, a choice to sacrifice, to put themselves on the line 23 nights for the next 4 months, to represent you, this high school. That kind of commitment and effort deserves and demands your respect. This is your team.

You know, most people would kill… to be treated like a god, just for a few moments.

You know, in the ten years that I coached, I never met anybody who wanted to win as badly as I did. I'd do anything I had to do to increase my advantage. Anybody who tried to block the pursuit of that advantage, I'd just push 'em out of the way. Didn't matter who they were, or what they were doing. But that was then. You have special talent, a gift. Not the school's, not the townspeople, not the team's, not Myra Fleener's, not mine. It's yours, to do with what you choose. Because that's what I believe, I can tell you this: I don't care if you play on the team or not.

I've seen you guys can shoot but there's more to the game than shooting. There's fundamentals and defense.

Five players on the floor functioning as one single unit: team, team, team - no one more important than the other.

First of all, let's be real friendly here, okay? My name is Norm. Secondly, your coaching days are over.

There's a, um tradition in tournament play- not talk about the next step until you've climbed the one in front of you. I'm sure going to the state finals is beyond your wildest dreams, so let's just keep it right there.

You are in the Army. You're in my Army. Everyday between three and five.

Strap, in for Everett. Don't shoot the ball unless you're under the basket all by yourself!

You know, if everyone is as nice as you, country hospitality is gonna get an awful name.

Fortune Monologues

You're 5 foot nothin', 100 and nothin', and you have barely a speck of athletic ability. And you hung in there with the best college football players in the land for 2 years. And you're gonna walk outta here with a degree from the University of Notre Dame. In this life, you don't have to prove nothin' to nobody but yourself. And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now, it ain't gonna never happen. Now go on back.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey what are you doing here don't you have pratice?

Oh, well since when are you the quitting kind?

So you didn't make the dress list, there are greater tragies in the world.


Oh you are so full of crap. Your five foot nothin', a hundred and nothin' and hardly have a spec of athletic ability and you hung in with the best college football team in the land for two years, and you were also going to walk out of here with a degree from the University of Norte Dame in this life time you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself and after what you gone through if you haven't done that by now, it aint gonna never happen, now go on back.

Hell I've seen too many games in this Stadium.

I've never seen a game from the stands.

I rode the Bench for two years thought I wasn't being played because of my color I got filled up with a lot of attitude so I quit, still not a week goes by I don't regret it, and I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out letting them get the best of you. Do you hear me clear enough?

I rode the bench for two years. Thought I wasn't being played because of my color, I got filled up with a lotta attitude. So I quit. Still not a week goes by I don't regret it. And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of ya. You hear me clear enough?

You got your head so far up your ass about that damn football team, you don't get the fact that you just got a year of top quality education! Waste? Quit wasting my time!

Daniel E. 'Rudy' Ruettiger Monologues

I'm desperate. If I don't get in next semester, it's over. Notre Dame doesn't accept senior transfers.

Who cares what kind of job I did if it doesn't produce results? It doesn't mean anything.

Maybe I haven't prayed enough.

If I've done everything I possibly can, can you help me?

We're gonna go inside, we're gonna go outside, inside and outside. We're gonna get 'em on the run boys and once we get 'em on the run we're gonna keep 'em on the run. And then we're gonna go go go go go go and we're not gonna stop til we get across that goalline. This is a team they say is… is good, well I think we're better than them. They can't lick us, so what do you say men?

Coach I just wanted to thank you for letting be a part of this football program this year.

But I've come to realize that God made some people out to be football players and that I'm not one of them.

Yea, I have this wish to let my father watch one of his sons play football for the Irish and I was wondering if I could possibly dress for one game next season?

No its for everyone who told me that being a Norte Dame Football player would be impossible. My brothers, the guys I work with at the mill they can't come to practice and see that I am a part of this team.

Not anymore I quit.

I don't know I just don't see the point anymore.

I wanted to run out of that Tunnell for my dad to prove to everyone that I worked...

That I was somebody.I'm sorry I never got you to see your first game in here.

I thought you said you never saw a game...

You were a player?

I've been ready for this my whole life!

We have more monologues for You!