Seymour Parrish

Seymour Parrish Monologues

And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture.

Family photos depict smiling faces… births, weddings, holidays, children's birthday parties. People take pictures of the happy moments in their lives. Someone looking through our photo album would conclude that we had led a joyous, leisurely existence free of tragedy. No one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget.

The things you're most afraid of have already happened.

The shutter is clicked. The flash goes off and they've stopped time, as if just for the blink of an eye.

Most people don't take snapshots of the little things. The used Band-Aid, the guy at the gas station, the wasp on the Jell-O. But these are the things that make up the true picture of our lives. People don't take pictures of these things.

I've been doing P.O.S. mini-lab work for more than 20 years now. I consider it an important job. When people's houses are on fire, what's the first thing they save after their pets and loved ones are safe? The family photos. Some people think that this is a job for a clerk. They actually believe that any idiot that attends a two-day seminar can master the art of making beautiful prints in less than an hour. But of course, like most things, there's far more to it than meets the eye. I've seen prints they fob off on people at the Rexall or Fotek... milky, washed-out prints... too dark prints. There's no sense of reverence for the service they're providing for people. I process these photos as if they were my own.

There's a very good reason. I calibrated that machine personally. It's the best mini-lab in the state.

Are you a family man, Detective?

You're right, it's not. But I can see by your response and the ring on your finger that you are. That makes you a fortunate man. I can also tell be the way you've treated me so far that you're a good man, and that you appreciate your good fortune. You're not the kind of man who would cheat on his wife, hurt his family, abuse their trust.

You would never neglect or abuse your children.

Make horrible demands of them. You would never ask... You would never ask your children to do things... things that children shouldn't do.

You would never take disgusting, sick, degrading pictures of your children doing these things!

You would never treat your children like animals.

Will Yorkin had it all and he threw it away. He is not a good father.

Could I have my pictures now?

Am I talking to a brick wall? Did I tell you to touch her? If you touch her again; I stab you in the heart!

According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the word "snapshot" was originally a hunting term.

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