Plutarch Heavensbee

Plutarch Heavensbee Monologues

No. No, no, listen to me. No one else who can do this but her.

Obviously, we need to make it personal. Remind her who the real enemy is.

Unless she's forgortten. There's explaining and there's showing. Let her see what the capital did to 12.

This is the only choice you have. People don't always show up the way you want them to, Madame President. But that anger, that anger-driven defiance, that's what we want. And we can redirect it. We need to unite these people out there that have been doing nothing but killing each other in an arena for years. We have to have a lightning rod. They'll follow her. She's the face of the revolution. Let her see it. Let her go home.

That's it! That's her! Right there! Isn't that what I promised you? Now if she wears the costume, gunfire in the background, a hint of smokeā€¦ Our Mockingjay. Madam President, we're losing ground because people are losing heart, this is worth the risk, she's worth the risk. Pardons, tribunals, power to the people, that can all be the bedrock for the new Panem, but with more time I think even the normal sub-causes can be bent a little bit, right?

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