Michael Collins

Michael Collins Monologues

You've kept us waiting 700 years. You can have your seven minutes.

Bullshit! I'm Minister for Gun-Running, Daylight Robbery, and General Mayhem.

I hate them for making hate necessary, and I'll do what I can to end it.

War *is* murder! Sheer, bloody murder! Had you been here the past year, you'd know that!

I want peace and quiet. I want it so much I'd die for it.

We have a weapon more powerful… than any in the whole arsenal of the British Empire! That weapon… is our refusal!

I would plead with every person here: Make me a scapegoat if you will, call me a traitor, if you will; But please, let's save the country. The alternative to this treaty is a war which no one in this room can even contemplate. If the price of peace, if the price of freedom is the blackening of my name, I would gladly pay it.

Give *us* the future, we've had enough of your past. Give us back our country, to live in , to grow in, to love.

If they shut me up, who will take my place?

Once I start, they'll be no stopping me.

There is one weapon that the British cannot take away from us: we can ignore them.

Jesus, these bastards know more about us than our own mothers.

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