Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly Monologues

If I learned anything this year, it's to not get sucked into a fight with someone who has better reason to be in it than you do.

Early on he realized for a network to stay on 24 hours a day you need something to hold an audience. That something is legs. There's a reason for clear desks.

They have a contractual right to monitor our communications. A hotline in this building is like a complaint box in occupied Paris. It's like we're telling women "Go on, speak up for yourself. Just know the entire network is with Roger. No one will believe you. They'll call you a liar. Oh, and as for your career, you want assignments and airtime? Go ahead, call the paranoid man who decides your salary a pervert, and do that on a fucking anonymous hotline he controls on a phone he has a contractual right to record." Jesus fucking Christ, do you think women are idiots? It's like somebody stripped you naked and they want you to walk through this office just to fucking prove it.

Just to be clear. I will not be kissing Trump's a** at nine o'clock.

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