Max Cady

Max Cady Monologues

I ain't no white trash piece of shit. I'm better than you all! I can out-learn you. I can out-read you. I can out-think you. And I can out-philosophize you. And I'm gonna outlast you. You think a couple whacks to my guts is gonna get me down? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that, Counselor, to prove you're better than me!

I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be." Silesius, 17th Century.

It's not necessary to lay a foul tongue on me my friend. I could get upset. Things could get out of hand. Then in self defense, I could do something to you that you would not like, right here.

I'm Virgil and I'm guidin' you through the gates of Hell. We are now in the Ninth Circle, the Circle of Traitors. Traitors to country! Traitors to fellow man! Traitors to GOD! You, sir, are charged with betrayin' the principles of all three! Quote for me the American Bar Association's Rules of Professional Conduct, Canon Seven.

"Should ZEALOUSLY represent his client within the bounds of the law." I find you guilty, counselor! Guilty of betrayin' your fellow man! Guilty of betrayin' your country and abrogatin' your oath! Guilty of judgin' me and sellin' me out! With the power vested in me by the kingdom of God, I sentence you to the Ninth Circle of Hell! Now you will learn about loss! Loss of freedom! Loss of humanity! Now you and I will truly be the same…

Every man... every man has to go through hell to reach paradise.

Are you my friend? Are you my friend?

Well, see, I like to plan my comings and goings with friends, so if you're planning my comings and goings I'd call that presumptuous, in fact I'd call it downright rude.

I understand, I'm not your type, too many tattoos. Thing is, there isn't much to do in prison except desecrate your flesh.

Are you a cop? Or were you a cop? Or were you not good enough to remain on the force? Cause you know what? That's the feeling I'm getting here.

Danielle, were you about to offer me something hot?

Let's get something straight... I spent fourteen years in an eight by nine foot cell surrounded by people who were less than human. My mission in that time was to become more than human

… so you see! Granddaddy used to handle snakes in church, Granny drank strychnine. I guess you could say I had a leg up, genetically speaking.

our mommy's not happy… your daddy's not happy, and you know what? You're not happy.

I am going to teach you the meaning of commitment. Fourteen years ago I was forced to make a commitment to an eight by nine cell, now you are going to be forced to make a commitment. You could say I'm here to save you.

Oh, cause' I thought maybe you were my friend, cause' I like to plan my comings and goings with friends. But if you're not my friend, you're plannin' my comings and goings, I'd call that presumptuous. In fact, I'd call it downright rude, cause' I ain't your porch-baby, buddy.

Ooh, I got the all-over fidgets on that one! And you're really shaken' me up! I'm shiveren' all over! Whew! It's not necessary to lay a foul tongue on me, my friend. I could get upset. Things could get out of hand. And then in self-defence, I could do something to you that you would not like... right here.

What you gonna' do? Arrest me? What are you a cop? Or were you a cop? Or were you not good enough to remain on the force? Cause' you know what? That's the feelin' I'm gettin' here.

Hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

You will now have an opportunity. "What is that opportunity?", you ask. Why, here and now, we have an opportunity to depict and dramatize...

...both the heights and the depths of a mama's true love for her daughter, if y'all get my meaning. C'mon out, baby, let's go. C'mon darling. Get out.

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