Master Chief Billy Sunday

Master Chief Billy Sunday Monologues

The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it's sunk, he brings it up. If it's in the way, he moves it. If he's lucky, he will die young, 200 feet beneath the waves, for that is the closest he'll ever get to being a hero.

A Chief Petty Officer shall not drink. However, if he should drink he shall not get drunk. If he should get drunk, he shall not stagger. And if he should stagger, he shall not fall. And if he should fall, he will fall in such a manner as to cover up his rank so that passerbyers will think he is an officer.

My name is Master Chief Billy Sunday. There was a preacher by the same name who cleaned up Chicago of all the whoring spics, drunken wops and motherfucking niggers that was making that place unfit for decent white folks to live. The only difference between me and that old preacher is that he worked for God, and I am God!

Goddammit Cookie, move your ass, I want my TWELVE!

Boatswain's mate second class Carl Brashear. Nine hours, thirty one minutes, perfect assembly.

gentlemen, this is weekend liberty, remember one night stands maybe over in the morning but Syphilis lasts a lifetime.

You don't know and you ain't ever gonna know, 'cause you're just some dumb dirt nigger from Podunk! I know you. Your sweet smell hung in every bunk and Goddamn shack I ever lived in. Your nigger face stared at me every time we had to leave 'cause your daddy could farm it cheaper then mine. Mine drank himself into a $7 casket, but that ain't ever gonna happen to me because I'm a master diver! And maybe you'll remember that next time you imply we got anything in common! You read me, cookie?

Snowhill, get your Wisconsin ass back in the barracks.

Cookie. God damn it! It looks like I missed one helluva party.

Swimmin' don't got dick-shit to do with deep-sea divin'. If Johnny fuckin' Weismuller were in the soup wearin' a 200-pound Mark Five divin' rig, he couldn't swim to fuck Esther Williams if she was three feet in front of him buck naked! The only way to survive is to trust each other, 'cause underwater all you got is the man next to you. And that is why the only men that get through my course are the very, very best.

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