Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort

Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort Monologues

I don't think I have to remind you that this war has been going on for almost 5 years. Over half of Europe has been overrun and occupied. We're comparative newcomers. England's gone through a blitz with a knife at her throat since 1940. I'm quite sure that they, too, are impatient and itching to go. Do I make myself clear?

3 million men penned up on this island all over England in staging areas like this. We're on the threshold of the most crucial day of our times. 3 million men out there, keyed up, just waiting for that big step-off. We aren't exactly alone. Notify the men, full packs and equipment 1400 hours.

Your assignment tonight is strategic. You can't give the enemy a break. Send him to hell.

We're 11 minutes from the green light. Now, once more, I repeat: If, for any reason, we fail to hit our drop zones move north by east. North by east. The Germans have flooded large swamp areas behind the coast. Avoid them if possible. We came here to fight, not to swim.

I don't know, Major. I don't even know if the landings took place. But one thing I'm sure of, we're gonna hold this town until the linkup does come. Whenever that is, today, tomorrow, till hell freezes over.

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