Lieutenant Chris Sabian

Lieutenant Chris Sabian Monologues

I once talked a guy out of blowing up the Sears Tower but I can't talk my wife out of the bedroom or my kid off the phone.

I can't believe this, I'm just surrounded by a room of people who wanna go in there and kill him. This is the guy who call you friend. I got nothing invested in this. I wonder why that is, or maybe someday we'll find out.

You hurt one of them, you burn up any currency you have with me. They're all I care about. Getting you out of here alive... a distant second.

I'm a stranger to you. You have no idea what I am capable of.

You think killing a man gives you the right to negotiate with me?

It's interesting that you pick one where the hero dies.

That's a common misconception, in the last frame he's slumped over on his horse.

Sort of. I was negotiating a truce between my wife and daughter.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Well I guess you think Butch and Sundance lived too.

"I can't believe this, I'm just surrounded by a room of people who wanna go in there and kill him. This is the guy who call you friend. I got nothing invested in this. I wonder why that is, or maybe someday we'll find out."

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