Hallie Parker

Hallie Parker Monologues

I never met her. She and my Dad split up when I was a baby, maybe even before, I'm not sure. He doesn't really like to talk about her... but I know she was really beautiful.

Because my dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer and he caught me looking at it all the time so he gave it to me to keep. I'm really thirsty, you sure you don't want to go to the canteen and get something to drink?

I am. Annie and I met up at camp and, and we decided to switch places. I'm sorry, but I've never seen you and I've dreamt of meeting you my whole life and Annie felt the exact same way about Dad so, so we sort of just switched lives. I hope you're not mad because I love you so much, and I just hope that one day you could love me as me, and not as Annie.

Doesn't designing all these wedding dresses ever make you think about getting married again; or at least make you think about the "f" word?

My father!

Making a memory! Years from now, when I'm all grown up, I'll always remember my grandfather and how he always smelled of… peppermint and pipe tobacco.

Then cutting your hair was a total waste. There's no way I can go to camp with pierced ears and come home without them. I mean, come on. Get real.

Look, I can do you already.

"Yes, you want to know the real difference between us? I have class and you don't." Come on, Annie. I gotta meet my ma.

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