Eskimo Story Speaker

Eskimo Story Speaker Monologues

The loss, you know what I mean? The… the disappointment in yourself. The anger that turns into disappointment. The despair. Like the guy who's sittin' at the bar and a priest walks in, pulls up chair. The guy says, "Wait a minute." He says, "I hate to tell you this, don't waste you're time, but I happen to know there's no God." The priest says, "Yeah, how's that?" The guy says… uh, "I am an explorer in the north pole. I've been caught in a blindin' storm once. Freezing. I was blinded, freezing to death and I prayed, if there is a God, save me now. Now God didn't come." The priest says… you know, "How's that?" He says, "You're alive. He must have saved you." He said, "No. God never showed up. An Eskimo came along. Took me back to his camp and saved me." That's Janice. She's my wife and she's sittin' right there. She's my Eskimo.

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