Ultimo Tango a Parigi Monologues

A young Parisian woman meets a middle-aged American businessman who demands their clandestine relationship be based only on sex.

Paul Monologues

Even if a husband lives two hundred fucking years, he'll never discover his wife's true nature. I may be able to understand the secrets of the universe, but… I'll never understand the truth about you. Never.

Go, get the butter.

Our marriage was nothing more than a foxhole for you. And all it took for you to get out was a 35-cent razor and a tub full of water. You cheap goddamn fucking godforsaken whore, I hope you rot in hell. You're worse than the dirtiest street pig anybody could ever find anywhere, and you know why? You know why? Because you lied. You lied to me and I trusted you.

You lied and you knew you were lying. Go on, tell me you didn't lie. Haven't you got anything to say about that? You can think up something, can't you? Go on, tell me something! Go on, smile, you cunt!

Go on, tell me... tell me something sweet. Smile at me and say I just misunderstood. Go on, tell me. You pig-fucker... you goddamn, fucking, pig-fucking liar.

No, you're alone. You're all alone. And you won't be able to be free of that feeling of being alone until you look death right in the face. I mean that sounds like bullshit. Some romantic crap. Until you go right up into the ass of death. Right up in his ass. 'Til you find the womb of fear.

Well, first you have to take a hot bath and if you don't you're gonna get pneumonia. Right?... and then you know what happens? You get pneumonia... and then you know what happens? You die! And then, you know what happens then when you die? I get to fuck the dead rat!

You ran through Africa and Asia and Indonesia, and now I found you… and I love you. I want to know your name.

Beauty of mine, sit before me. Let me peruse you and remember you... always like this.

Anyway, to make a long, dull story even duller, I come from a time when a guy like me used to come into a joint like this and pick up a young chick like you and… call her a 'bimbo'.

Put your fingers up my ass. Are you deaf? Go on. I'm gonna get a pig. And I'm gonna have the pig fuck you. And I want the pig to vomit in your face. Then I want you to swallow the vomit. Are you gonna do that for me?

I want the pig to die while you're fucking him. Then you have to go behind it. I want you to smell the dying farts of the pig. Are you gonna do all of that for me?

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