The Invisible Woman Monologues

At the height of his career, Charles Dickens meets a younger woman who becomes his secret lover until his death.

Charles Dickens Monologues

A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is a profound secret and mystery to every other.

When the day is creeping up on us and we must put in order the chaos of the night.

Last night, I sat next to a gentleman at dinner, and he asked me in some fury why it was that our city should help those who do not help themselves.

By "those" he meant the many fallen women that we see around us every day, and their offspring, many who rely on this hospital today.

I replied, "The two grim nurses, poverty and sickness, bring these children before you and preside over their births, rock their wretched cradles, nail down their little coffins, pile up the earth above their graves. Their unnatural deaths form one third of the annual deaths in this great town."

"But what of God?" he piously replied.

"What Of him?" I said. "I feel sure God looks leniently on all vice that proceeds from human tenderness and natural passion."

I hope we will, too, and give generously tonight.

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