Paper Moon Monologues

During the Great Depression, a con man finds himself saddled with a young girl who may or may not be his daughter, and the two forge an unlikely partnership.

Trixie Delight Monologues

Kiddo, I understand how you feel. But you don't have to worry. One of these days you're gonna be just as pretty as Mademoiselle. Maybe prettier. You already got bone structure. When I was your age I didn't have no bone structure. Took me years to get bone structure. And don't think bone structure's not important. Nobody started to call me "Mademoiselle" 'til I was seventeen and getting a little bone structure. When I was your age, I was skinnier than a pole. I never thought I'd have nothin' up here.

You're gonna have 'em up there too. Look, I'll tell you what. Want me to show you how to use cosmetics?

Look, I'll let you put on my earrings. You're gonna see how pretty you're gonna be. And I'll show you how to make up your eyes. And your lips. And I'll see to it you get a little bra or somethin'. But right now, you're gonna pick your little ass up, you're gonna drop it in the back seat, and you're gonna cut out the crap! You understand?

You're going to ruin it, ain't ya? Look, I don't wanna wipe you out. And I don't want you wipin' me out, you know? So, I'm gonna level with you, okay? Now, you see with me it's just a matter of time. I don't know why, but somehow I just don't manage to hold on real long. So, if you wait it out a little it'll be over, you know? I mean, even if I want a fella, somehow or other I manage to get it screwed up. Maybe I'll get a new pair of shoes, a nice dress, a few laughs. Times are hard. Now, if you fool around on the hill up here, then you don't get nothin', I don't get nothin', he don't get nothin'. So, how 'bout it, honey? Just for a little while, let ol' Trixie sit up front with her big tits.

I just don't understand it, Daddy, but this little baby has got to go winky tinky all the time.

Say, you're not one of these fellas that goes around babblin' are ya, honey?

Well, you know, most of the time I don't mind. But it's important to me, right now, not to get talked about.

Now, say, you're a wild one, aren't ya. Hold it. Hold it. Now, wait a minute. You're going to tear it! Now, now, just let me slip it off. Hey, there. Well now, ain't you a show dog. Oo! Ooo!

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