Lisztomania Monologues

Composer and pianist Franz Liszt (Roger Daltrey) attempts to overcome his hedonistic life-style while repeatedly being drawn back into it by the many women in his life and fellow composer Richard Wagner (Paul Nicholas).

Richard Wagner Monologues

Is it true that when Liszt was a kid he played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata at a concert and the composer himself jumped up and kissed him?

Read this: the piano as an instrument of revolution!

The belief that I shall write music that will fire the imagination of the German people and bring to light a man of iron to forge the shattered fragments of this country into a nation of steel. A vision you will help me realize, dear Franz.

His day at hand, Will drive the beast from our land, He will restore, Teutonic Godhead, The hour of the Aryan, Super Man, Is at hand.

My sacred works I entrust to her. Through her you will perform the rituals. Through me you will serve the Super Man. You will be - the Master Race!

Once I dreamed of revolution, Franz. I was a Communist. I believed that one day a leader would rise from the ranks of the people and lead them to freedom. Such a man does not exist. To imagine he ever could is just a foolish dream. No, Franz. We need a Super Man! Such a future will never be born, Franz. Such a creature must be - created!

German music is good enough for me! Or, will be, when we rid it of the Jews.

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