I, Tonya Monologues

Competitive ice skater Tonya Harding rises amongst the ranks at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, but her future in the activity is thrown into doubt when her ex-husband intervenes.

Tonya Harding Monologues

There's no such thing as truth. It's bullshit. Everyone has their own truth, and life just does whatever the fuck it wants.

Look, Nancy gets hit one time and the whole world shits... For me it was an all-the-time occurrence.

They got 18 months. I'll do that. Your honor. I don't have education. All I know is skating. I'm no one if I'm can't- I'm not this monster. I'm trying to do the best with what I know how to-. It's like you're giving me a life sentence. You can't do that.

America. They want someone to love, they want someone to hate.

This is bullshit. I never did this!

So I became a lady boxer. I mean why not? Violence was all I knew anyway.

All I did was the hindering of prosecution. What, you're never gonna let me skate again? I mean, I'd rather do the jail time. Please, they only got eighteen months. They got eighteen months, I'll do that. Your honour, I don't have an education. All I know is skating. That's all I know. I am no one if I can't skate.

I mean, I'm not some monster. I'm trying to do my best. It's like you're giving me a life sentence if you do that, you can't do that.

It was like being abused all over again. Only this time it was by you. All of you. You're all my attackers too.

I mean it's what you all came for, folks. The fucking incident!

I mean, come on! What kind of friggin' person bashes in their friend's knee? Who would do that to a friend?

Oh my God, It was totally the most awesomest thing. 'Cause leading up it, you're like, "I can't do it! I can't. I can't!" And then, bam, I can! And all those people who said I couldn't make it, well fuck you! I did!

I really think that you should just kill yourself.

I was the second most known person, behind Bill Clinton, in the world. That meant something. People still wanted to see me. So I became a lady boxer. I mean, why not? Violence was always what I knew anyway. America, you know, they want someone to love - but they want someone to hate. And they want it easy. But what's easy?

The haters always say, "Tonya, just tell the truth." But there's no such thing as truth. It's bullshit. Everyone has their own truth. And life just does whatever the fuck it wants.

That's the story of my lifeā€¦ . And that's the fucking truth!

Hi Vera, it's Tonya again. Our machine's a piece of crap. Could you just tell me where Nancy Kerrigan trains again?

Yeah, I have a stupid bet with Jeff. Spell that for me, hon? What time? Got it. Thanks, Vera.

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