Godzilla Monologues

The world is beset by the appearance of monstrous creatures, but one of them may be the only one who can save humanity.

Joe Brody Monologues

You're not fooling anybody when you say what happened 15 years ago was a natural disaster. Not an earthquake, it wasn't a typhoon. Okay? So stop... Look, I'm tired of talking to you about this. I want my son. I wanna see my son. I wanna know that he's all right. This guy, this guy knows. He knows where he is. Musuko wa dokoda? I want my son. And I want my bag and discs. And I wanna talk to somebody in charge, not you. No, not you. I'm done talking to you. All right? You're looking at me right now, like I'm in a fish tank, right? That's fine. Because I know what happened here. And you keep telling everybody that this place is a death zone, but it's not! You're lying. Because what's really happening is that your hiding something out there. I'm right, aren't I? My wife died here! Something killed my wife. And I've a right to know! I deserve answers!

See? There it is again! That is not a transformer malfunction, that is an electromagnetic pulse! And it effects everything from miles and miles, and it is happening again! This is what caused everything to happen in the first place! Can't you see that? And it's gonna send us back to the Stone Age! You have no idea what's coming.

Go home to your family. You keep them safe. Okay? Whatever it takes.

I have to go back to our house. I need my old disks, if they're still there. I need the data to be able to prove a baseline here that this isn't a fantasy, that I'm not what you think I am. I'm gonna find the truth and end this. Whatever it takes.

Because I sent her down there, son.

I have to go! I came back here and I wasted six years staring through that barbed wire, thinking it was a military mistake or some horrible design flaw that they were covering up. One day... I met a guy who runs a cargo boat offshore. Every day he goes right past the reactor site. So he places a couple frequency monitors on bouys for me. Two weeks ago... I check this thing like every other day just for the kick in the teeth. Two weeks ago, I'm tuning in and, oh, my God... there it is. Whatever "it" is, that's in there. Whatever it is they're guarding so carefully... started talking again. And I mean talking.

I'm not crazy.

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