Daredevil Monologues

A man blinded by toxic waste which also enhanced his remaining senses fights crime as an acrobatic martial arts superhero.

Matt Murdock Monologues

Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us… the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones… leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending… because evil always survives… with the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well… soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man CAN make a difference.

What is your problem with our clients? We have good, honorable clients. Decent people. What's your idea of better? Define "better". Huh? What would be a "better" client?

High above the city streets, I trained my body and my senses. An acute sense of touch gave me both strength and balance, until the city itself became my playground.

I had set out to save the city. But with Elektra's help, I saved myself instead. Now I have faith that anything is possible. And some days, faith is all you need.

When it rains, it's like there's a rooftop on the world. Each raindrop makes a sound the first time it falls on a surface. Just then, it's like I… it's like I can see again. And I… I just wanna… I just wanna see you.

Mr. Quesada, for your sake, I hope justice is found here today… before justice finds you.

I had lost my sight, but I got something back in return. My remaining four senses functioned with superhuman sharpness. But most amazing of all, my sense of sound gave off a kind of radar sense!

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