Breach Monologues

FBI upstart Eric O'Neill enters into a power game with his boss, Robert Hanssen, an agent who was put on trial for selling secrets to the Soviet Union.

Kate Burroughs Monologues

A couple of years ago, the bureau put together a task force. Lots of assets had been disappearing. So this task force was formed to find the mole who was giving them up. Our best analysts poring over data for years looking for the guy, and they could never quite find him. Guess who was put in charge of the task force? He was smarter than all of us. Actually, I can live with that part. It's the idea that my entire career has been a waste of time, that's the part I hate. Everything I've done since I got to this office, everything we've all been paid to do, he was undoing it. We all coulda just stayed home.

That was the worst spy in American history you brought down, and you're just going to walk away.

I'm sorry you're having problems at home. I'd offer you some advice, but it wouldn't be worth much. I don't even have a cat.

No. We created that to lure him back from State. 9930 was built for him, too. Video, audio, bafflers in the vents, heat sensors, motion sensors. Probably enough microwaves in that office to cook a chicken.

You're going to make agent, Eric. Isn't that what you wanted?

Until you came over to my apartment and saw the TV dinners and no cat?

The director's running it. He sees your pages every day.

Keep them coming, by the way. Our audio's missing about ninety percent of what Hanssen says in there.

He does a lot of things, this guy.

Robert Hanssen Monologues

Can't trust a woman in a pants suit. Men wear the pants. The world doesn't need anymore Hillary Clintons.

Now, could the mole be someone from the Bureau, not the CIA? Of course. Are we actively pursuing that possibility? Of course not. Because we're the *Bureau*. The Bureau knows-all. Cooperation is counter-operation, and that's the mentally. Of course the enemies of this country aren't so picky. They'll work with anyone who shares their hatred of us. The Bureau hasn't learned that lesson yet.

Tell me five things about yourself, four of them true.

It's a *game* we used to play, at the subanalytical unit. Keep ourselves sharp. It's lie detection.

That would've counted as your lie, right there.

I wrote a program last night using just ones and zeros, just to see if I could do it.

Eventually I would appreciate an escape plan. Nothing lasts forever.

Can you imagine, sitting in a room with a bunch of your colleagues, everybody trying to guess the identity of a mole and all the while, it's you they're after, you they're looking for? That must be very satisfying, wouldn't you think?

It doesn't really matter; the judgement of other men... I know what I've done.

One might propose that I am either insanely brave or quite insane. I'd answer neither. I'd say, insanely loyal. Take your pick. There's insanity in all the answers.

I never cared about making headlines. I wanted to make history. People intel tracks are the ones who want to wipe America off the map. And somehow that always meant a little more to me than being promoted.

The "why" doesn't mean a thing, does it?

The perks go to the guys who play the game, the ones who politick.

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