Bad Lieutenant Monologues

While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness and redemption.

The Lieutenant Monologues

But do you have the right? You're not the only woman in the world. You're not even the only nun. Your forgiveness will leave blood in its wake. What if these guys do something like this again? To other women, other virgins? Old women who die from the shock? Do you have the right to forgive them? Can you bear the burden, sister?

Mutt! You got something that you want to say to me? You fuck! You ratfuck, you ratfuck! Here's your… What? Say something, I know you're just standing there. What am I gonna do? You gotta say something! Something! You fuck, you fucking stand there and you want me to do every fucking thing! Where were you? Where the fuck are you? Where were you? Where the hell were you? I… I… I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I did so many bad things. I'm sorry. I tried to do… I try to do the ricgt thing, but I'm weak, I'm too fucking weak. I need you to help me! Help me! I need you to help me! Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me, please! Forgive me, father!

Show me how you suck a guy's cock.

Leave it to the Catholic Church. Girls get raped every day, and now we're putting up 50 Gs just 'cause these girls wear fuckin' penguin suits.

Hey, listen to me. I'm the boss, not Aunt Wendy. When it's your time to use the bathroom, you tell Aunt Wendy to get the fuck out of the bathroom! What are you, men or mice? She's hoggin' the bathroom - call me! Call me, and I'll throw her the fuck out!

If you think you're not getting on that bus, man, you're dead wrong. Now get on that fucking bus, 'cause your life ain't worth shit in this town!

You raped a holy thing. You destroyed that young girl. And she forgives you. Ya hear that? She forgives you. You fucking heroes. Ya like holding her down and shoving your dick into her? While she couldn't do nothing about it. Did you like that? Watch this motherfucker! Watch this you cocksucker! Look at that! You can't do a thing about that can you? Can you? Look at me! Can you? Can you fuckface? Can you? There, move. Move you cockscker. Move. I'd like to blow your fucking face apart.

What the fuck are you? A drug counsellor… or a drug dealer? If you don't deal your own product, what kind of businessman are you?

I've been biting the fucking bullet since I was 14. No one can kill me. I'm blessed... . I'm a catholic.

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