Wind In His Hair Monologues

Dances with Wolves! I am Wind In His Hair. Do you see that I am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend?

I do not care for this talk about a white man at the soldier fort. Whoever he is he is not a Sioux and that makes him less. We took more then a hundred horses from these people and there was no honor in it. They don’t ride well. They don’t shoot well. They’re dirty. Those so-called “soldiers” could not make it through one winter in our country. And all these people are said to flourish? I think they will all be dead soon… maybe in ten years.

Kicking Bird is always looking ahead and while that is good, he doesn’t know this lone white man. This white man cannot hunt, cover our lodges, or feed our children. He is nothing to us! I will take some warriors with me and we will shoot some arrows into the white man. If he truly has medicine, he will not be hurt. If he has no medicine, he will be dead.

He was a good man… It has been hard for me to like you. I am not the thinker Kicking Bird is. I always feel anger first. There were no answers to my questions. But now I think he went away because you were coming. That is how I see it.

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