Thomas Brian Reynolds Monologues

We never dealt with domestic. With us, it was always war. We won the war. Now we’re fighting the peace. It’s a lot more volatile. Now we’ve got ten million crackpots out there with sniper scopes, sarin gas and C-4. Ten-year-olds go on the Net, downloading encryption we can barely break, not to mention instructions on how to make a low-yield nuclear device. Privacy’s been dead for years because we can’t risk it. The only privacy that’s left is the inside of your head. Maybe that’s enough. You think we’re the enemy of democracy, you and I? I think we’re democracy’s last hope.

So tell me what was on that tape.

What will it take for us to walk out of here with that video tape?

This son-of-a-bitch is not gonna be the last chapter of my life!

You know what I’ve seen? I’ve seen killers walk free because the eyewitness was an alcoholic. I’ve seen sex offenders that couldn’t be touched because the victim was a call girl. Credibility… it’s the only currency that means anything on this kind of playing field.

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