Steven Murphy Monologues

A surgeon never kills a patient. An anaesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.

This meat is delicious. You were right, after all. The children are much better here. I was even thinking I might take them to the beach house, for a few days. A little fresh air and a change of scenery might do us all good. Do you know what I’ve been craving? Mashed potato. Why don’t you make some tomorrow?

So what do you suggest? Tell me. Oh wait, I know. I’ve got it. There’s a way we can put a stop to all of this. All we need to do is find the tooth of a baby crocodile, the blood of a pigeon and the pubes of a virgin. And then we just have to burn them all before sunset. Let me see, do we have any spare teeth lying around? Teeth, pubes? Nope, none here! LET ME SEE, DO WE HAVE ANY HERE? PUBES, TEETH? Nothing in this box either. Where are they? I’m sure they were here earlier. I put them here myself. WHO’S BEEN MOVING THINGS AROUND? FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! I don’t suppose you have any pubes I could have, by any chance? Oh, I forgot. You don’t have any left. We don’t have any of the things we need.

Do you think your mother is proud of you? Do you think she is happy that her beloved son is a murderer?

If you don’t stop playing games, I will shave your head and make you eat your hair. I mean it. I will make you eat your hair.

Your mother is very beautiful, but the idea that she and I could ever be together is ludicrous. Let me remind you, I’m a married man. And I love my wife very much and my kids, and that we are very happy together.

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