Sister Helen Prejean Monologues

What he was involved with was evil. I don’t condone it. I just don’t see the sense of killing people to say killing people’s wrong.

You know what else the Bible asks for? Death as a punishment for adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, trespass upon sacred ground, profaning the Sabbath, and contempt of parents.

You are a son of God.

I want the last face you see in this world to be the face of love, so you look at me when they do this thing. I’ll be the face of love for you.

Show me some respect, Matthew.

Because I’m a person.

Look at you. Death is looking down your neck, and you’re playing your little male come-on games.

Sister Celestine said, “I’m glad I never had to share my bed with a man.”

I know. She’s gonna be lying next to a man for all eternity.

Mr. Percy, I’m just trying to follow the example of Jesus, who said that a person is not as bad as his worst deed.

It’s not faith, it’s work.

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