Ron Woodroof Monologues

Let me give y’all a little news flash. There ain’t nothin’ out there can kill fuckin’ Ron Woodroof in 30 days.

Oh, I’m the drug dealer? No, you’re the fuckin’ drug dealer. I mean, goddamn, people are dyin’. And y’all are up there afraid that we’re gonna find an alternative without you.

Ice-cold beer, a little riding in. Well, take my woman dancing. You know? I want kids. I mean, I got one… one life, right? Mine. But sh… Fuck, I want somebody else’s sometimes. Sometimes I just feel like I’m fighting for a life I just ain’t got time to live. I want it to mean something.

Congratulations. Now fuck off and go back to your bed.

Get the fuck out of here, whatever you are, before I kick you in the fucking face.

I swear it, Ray, God sure was dressin’ the wrong doll when he blessed you with a set of balls.

Well then, tell him to go back to the FUCKIN’ SUNSHINE STATE!

Would you stop starin’ at her tits, Rayon, you’re startin’ to look normal.

What? Hook me up to the morphine drip, let me fade on out? Nah. Sorry, lady, but I prefer to die with my boots on.

Welcome to the Dallas Buyers Club!

These fuckers are coming at me, man, from all angles. I wanna file a restraining order.

Against the government and the fucking FDA, that’s who.

Did ya hear Rock Hudson was a cocksucker?

It’s called a newspaper. Right there. It’s a shame. Ain’t it? All that fine Hollywood pussy just all being wasted on a guy who smokes his friends.

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