Oberon Monologues

Now, until the break of day / Through this house each fairy stray. / To the best bride-bed will we, / Which by us shall blessed be; / So shall all the couples three / Ever true in loving be; / And the owner of it blest / Ever shall in safety rest. / Trip awa; make no stay; / Meet me all by break of day.

This is thy negligence. Still, still, still! Thou mistakest. Or else…

Committ’st thy knaveries willfully, hmm?

Thou see’st these lovers seek a place to fight. Hie therefore, Robin, overcast the night, the starry welkin cover thou anon with drooping fog as black as Acheron and lead these testy rivals so astray that one not come within the other’s way, then… crush this herb into Lysander’s…

*Lysander’s* eye. Whiles I in this affair do thee employ, I’ll to my queen… and beg her Indian boy. And then I will her charmed eye release from monster’s view… and all things shall be peace.

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