Nathaniel “Hawkeye” Poe Monologues

No! You stay alive! If they don’t kill you, they’ll take you north up to the Huron lands. Submit, do you hear? You’re strong! You survive! You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you! No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you!

In case your aim’s any better than your judgment.

My father’s people say that at the birth of the sun and of his brother the moon, their mother died. So the sun gave to the earth her body, from which was to spring all life. And he drew forth from her breast the stars, and the stars he threw into the night sky to remind him of her soul. So there’s the Cameron’s monument. My folks’ too, I guess.

Yes, and, “do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and make no sense”.

After seven years indentured service in Virginia, they headed out here ’cause the frontier’s the only land available to poor people. Out here, they’re beholden to none. Not living by another’s leave.

The cabin was attacked by a war party fighting with the French. They’re sweeping south along the frontier attacking farms and Mohawk villages, all the men are stuck here.

Your judgment is not more important than their right under agreement with Webb to defend their farms and families. Major Hayward was there, he was at John Cameron’s, he saw what it was.

If English law cannot be trusted maybe these people would do better making their own peace with the French.

Someday I think you and I are going to have a serious disagreement.

I’m Nathaniel of the Yengeese. Hawkeye, adopted son of Chingachgook of the Mohican people. Let the children of the dead Munro and the Yengeese officer go free. This belt which is the record of the days of my father’s people speaks for my truth.

Out the northern sally port. Strike for the east side of the swamp till you clear the French picket line. Head north over the ridge, then come about southeast. Fork left in Little Meadow and you’re free of the outpost and skirmishes.

Would the Huron make his Algonquin brothers foolish with brandy and steal his lands to sell them for gold to the white man? Would Huron have greed for more land than a man can use? Would Huron fool Seneca into taking all the furs of all the animals of the forest for beads and strong whiskey?

We have more monologues for You!