Michael Sullivan Jr. Monologues

So when do I get my share of the money?

Two hundred dollars.

Could I have had more?

I saw then that my father’s only fear was that his son would follow the same road. And that was the last time I ever held a gun. People always thought I grew up on a farm. And I guess, in a way, I did. But I lived a lifetime before that, in those six weeks on the road in the winter of 1931. When people ask me if Michael Sullivan was a good man, or if there was just no good in him at all, I always give the same answer. I just tell them… he was my father.

Did you like Peter more than me?

You were always… different with me.

There are many stories about Michael Sullivan. Some say he was a decent man. Some say there was no good in him at all. But I once spent 6 weeks on the road with him, in the winter of 1931. This is our story.

I can take care of myself fine! You never wanted me along anyway. You think it’s my fault this happened!

Just take me to Aunt Sarah’s.

He works for Mr. Rooney.

Well… papa didn’t have a father, so Mr. Rooney looked after him.

He goes on missions for Mr. Rooney. They’re very dangerous. That’s why he brings his gun. Sometimes, even the President sends him on missions, ’cause papa was a war hero and all.

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