Mia Wallace Monologues

Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it’s necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?

That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.

Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him… and says, Catch up.

I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED. Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good.

Don’t you just love it when you come back from the bathroom and find your food waiting for you?

Oooh! This doesn’t sound like the usual mindless boring getting to know you chit chat. It sounds like you actually have something to say.

No. No, no. You can’t promise something like that. I have no idea what you’re going to ask me. So you can go ahead and ask me what you’re going to ask me, and my natural response could be to get offended, then through no fault of my own I would have broken my promise.

You heard Marcellus threw Tony Rocky Horror out a four story window for giving me a foot massage? And you believe that?

A husband being protective of his wife is one thing, a husband almost killing another man for touching his wife’s feet is something else.

The only thing Antoine ever touched of mine was my hand, when he shook it, at my wedding.

Truth is, nobody knows why Marcellus threw Tony out of that four story window except Marcellus and Tony. When you little scamps get together, you’re worse than a sewing circle.

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