Master of Trinity Monologues

…name after name which I cannot read. And which we, who are older than you, cannot hear without emotion. Names which will be only names to you, the new college, but to us summon up face after face full of honesty and goodness, zeal and vigor.

My dear boy, your approach has been, if I may say so, a little too plebeian. You are the elite – and are therefore expected to behave as such.

Here in Cambridge, we’ve always been proud of our athletic prowess. We believe, we’ve always believed that our games are indispensable in helping to complete the education of an Englishman. They create character they foster courage, honesty and leadership. But most of all an unassailable spirit of loyalty, comradeship, and mutual responsibility. Would you agree?

Abrahams, there is a growing suspicion in the bosom of this university and I tell you this without in any way decrying your achievements in which we all rejoice, that in your enthusiasm for success you have perhaps lost sight of some of these ideals.

For the past year, you’ve concentrated wholly on developing your own technique in the headlong pursuit, may I suggest, of individual glory. Not a policy very conducive to the fostering of esprit de corps.

Life slips by, Abrahams, life slips by!

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