Martin Lang Monologues

You know, not long after my dad died, someone told me that I eat spaghetti the exact same way he did. They said what an extraordinary impression this fact had made on them. Look at the boy, look how he eats spaghetti. Exactly the same way his father did. He sticks his fork in. He twirls it around, around, around, around, around. Then he sticks it in his mouth. At that time, I thought I was the only one who ate spaghetti that way. Me and my dad. Later, of course, I found out that everyone eats spaghetti the exact same way. Exact same way, exact same way. This made me very upset. Very upset. Maybe even, um, more upset than when they told me he was dead. My dad.

I don’t know if what is happening is fair, but it’s the only thing I can think of that’s close to justice.

I wanted to say one more thing, I’m really sorry about Bob.

No, it is. They will all get sick and die. Bob will die, Kim will die, your wife will die, understand?

Do you understand? It’s metaphorical. My example, it’s a metaphor. I mean, it’s uh… it’s symbolic.

He should have come out of that surgery alive, but he died.

Can I tell you a secret? But don’t tell her I told you. I think she… I think she likes you. I mean, she’s attracted to you. But she says that’s not true, but it is, I’m sure. And, to be honest, I think you’re perfect for each other. You’d make a great couple. She’s got a great body. You’ve seen it for yourself. She lost weight and she has a really great figure.

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