Komarovsky Monologues

Lara, I am determined to save you from a dreadful error. There are two kinds of men, and only two, and that young man is one kind. He is high-minded. He is pure. He is the kind of man that the world pretends to look up to and in fact despises. He is the kind of man who breeds unhappiness; particularly in women. Now, do you understand?

I think you do. There’s another kind. Not high-minded. Not pure. But alive. Now that your taste at this time should incline towards the juvenile is understandable. But for you to marry that boy would be a disaster. Because there’s two kinds of women…

There are two kinds of women and you – as we well know – are not the first kind.

You, my dear, are a slut.

Who are you to refuse my sugar? Who are you to refuse me anything?

Yuri Andreiivich, you’ve changed. Larisa – remarkably the same.

We’re all made of the same clay, you know! Clay! Claaaaay!

He’s a very fine young man. That’s obvious.

Spare me your expressions of regret. He was a murderous neurotic of no use to anyone. Do you see how this affects Larissa? You don’t. You’re a fool. She’s Strelnikov’s wife. Why do you think they haven’t arrested her – is this the usual practice? Why do you think they had her watched at Yuriatin? They were waiting for Strelnikov.

They knew him well enough. He was only five miles from here when they caught him. He was arrested on the open road. He didn’t conceal his identity – indeed throughout the interview he insisted they call him Pavel Antipov, which is his right name, and refused to answer to the name Strelnikov. On his way to execution, he took a pistol from one of the guards and blew his own brains out.

I think I know Lara at least as well as you. But don’t you see how this affects her position? She’s served her purpose. These men that came with me today as an escort will come for her and the child tomorrow as a firing squad! Now, I know exactly what you think of me, and why, but if you’re not coming with me she’s not coming with me! So, are you coming with me? Do you accept the protection of this ignoble Caliban on any terms that Caliban cares to make… or is your delicacy so exorbitant that you would sacrifice a woman and a child to it?

And don’t delude yourself that this was rape! That would flatter us both!

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