Hannibal Lecter Monologues

And be grateful. Our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real.

Remarkable boy. I do admire your courage. I think I’ll eat your heart.

Shh. Don’t move. You’re in shock now. I don’t want you to feel any pain. In a moment, you’ll begin to feel light-headed, then drowsy. Don’t resist, it’s so gentle, like slipping into a warm bath. I regret it came to this, Will, but every game must have its ending.

My dear Will, you must be healed by now… on the outside at least, I hope you’re not too ugly. What a collection of scars you have. Never forget who gave you the best of them, and be grateful, our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real. We live in a primitive time, don’t we, Will? Neither savage nor wise. Half measures are the curse of it, any rational society will either kill me or put me to some use. Do you dream much, Will? I think of you often. Your old friend, Hannibal Lector.

Then here’s one… you stink of fear under that cheap lotion. You stink of fear Will, but you’re not a coward. You fear me, but still you came here. You fear this shy boy, yet still you seek him out. Don’t you understand, Will? You caught me because we’re very much alike. Without our imaginations, we’d be like all those other poor… dullards. Fear… is the price of our instrument. But I can help you bear it.

I’ll call you if I think of anything else, would you perhaps like to leave me your home phone number?

Tell me, Will. Did you enjoy it? Your first murder? Of course you did. And why shouldn’t it feel good? It does to God. Why only last week in Texas, he dropped a church roof on the heads of 34 of his worshippers, just as they were groveling for him. He wouldn’t begrudge you for one Journalist.

You will not persuade me with appeals to my intellectual vanity.

A robin red-breast in a cage, puts all of Heaven in a rage. Think to yourself that every day is your last. The hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise. As for me, when you want a good laugh, you will find me in fine state… fat and sleek, a true hog of Epicurus’s herd.

Ah yes Dr. Chillton. Gruesome isn’t he? Fumbles at your head like a freshman pulling at a panty girdle.

First he kills the pet, and then the family. Freddy was your pet, Will.

Have you seen blood in the moonlight? It appears quite black.

Beneath the yellow folder, you’ll find your latest rejection slip from the archives. It was brought to me by mistake with some of my archives mail. I’m afraid I opened it without looking. Sorry.

And how is the young Josh and the lovely Molly? They’re always in my thoughts, you know.

Do you like my little exercise cage, Will? My so-called lawyer is always nagging Dr. Chilton for better accommodations. I don’t know which is the greater fool.

Think to yourself that every day is your last. The hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise. As for me, when you want a good laugh, you will find me in fine state, fat and sleek, a true hog of Epicurus’s herd.

Has it occurred to you he may be disfigured or consider himself to be disfigured?

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