Frank Lucas Monologues

The most important thing in business is honesty, integrity, hardwork… family… never forgetting where we came from.

See, ya are what ya are in this world. That’s either one of two things: Either you’re somebody, or you ain’t nobody.

My man. You know what normal is to me? I ain’t see normal since I was 6 years old. Normal is seeing the police ride up to my house, dragging my 12 year old cousin out and tying him to a pole, shoving a shotgun in his mouth so hard they bust his teeth, then they bust two shotgun shells in his head, knocking it off. That’s what normal is to me. Didn’t give a fuck about no police then… Don’t give a fuck about no police now.

The man I worked for, he had one of the biggest companies in New York City- he ran it for more than fifty years. Fifteen years, eight months, nine days- I was with him every day. I looked after him, took care of him, protected him… I learned from him. Bumpy was rich, but he wasn’t white man rich, you see he wasn’t wealthy. He didn’t own his own company. He thought he did, but he didn’t. He just managed it. White man owned it so they owned him. Nobody owns me, though. Because I own my company. And my company sells a product that’s better than the competition at a price that’s lower than the competition.

That’s a clown suit. That’s a costume, with a big sign on it that says “Arrest me”. You understand? You’re too loud, you’re making too much noise. Listen to me, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.

This is my home. My country. Frank Lucas don’t run from nobody. This is America.

We ain’t gon’ do shit about it. Close it up. Throw it back in the trunk. Everybody go home. Have some pumpin pie, warm apple cider…

I sell a product that’s better than the competition at a price that’s less than the competition.

I tell you what I know maybe I should just uh, put five hundred guns out there on the street and just start shooting up some people just to make a point.

Bumpy Johnson may have been rich, but he wasn’t white man rich. He wasn’t wealthy.

This is my home. This is where my business is, my wife, my mother, my family. This is my country, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.

What’s with this outfit? You know what it says? You wanna know what it says? Arrest me!

I don’t care what you call it, put a choke-hold on the motherfucker and call it Blue Dog Shit.

I’ve been paying off Johnny law since I was ten years old I put more kids through college than the National Merit Award this is different though, these special investigative unit that’s their problem they think their “special”

Let me ask you something. You think by putting me in jail, you’re going to stop even one junkie from dying? Because you won’t. If it isn’t me, it’ll be someone else. With me or without me, nothing’s going to change.

What you want me to do? Snitch? I know you don’t want no cops. What you want? Gangsters? Pick one. Jew gangsters, mick gangsters, guinees? They been bleeding Harlem dry since they got off the boat. I don’t give a fuck about no crime figures. You can have them.

Bumpy ain’t hardly ever go out no more. After a certain point he stayed in the house. Watch TV. Play chess. Read the newspaper. I thought he was just trying to lead the quiet life, but no, he couldn’t go nowhere. Not without something happening.

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