Cliff Anderson Monologues

Sometimes it seems like… like nothing exists until we get there, until we put our eyes on it. Like the whole fucking world was manufactured for our wants and needs, ya know?

I mean like if I take, if I just turn my head… ya know. For just a minute and… but don’t tell me, but does everything just stop? Just shut down… go in to some energy saving hibernation mode, till I choose to reactivate them by simply…

How many times do I need to tell you? If there’s anyone in this world that I could love, it’s you. Why is that never enough?

Look… you helped create this fevered dream of immortality. You are the privileged witness who’s gonna help me lead a hundred different lives. It’s you.

I’m not lying now… I love the idea of loving you.

This is my wife’s friend, she has little issue with um… crystal meth, okay? Normally she’s pretty functional, but obviously… this ain’t normal.

She’s dosed right out of her mind right now… I mean it’s been. Look! Look, look, look, look, come here.

Look at this… I’m finding these the whole trip. I think she just got in over her head this time. So, I hope you don’t have to involve the… police or anything like that. I mean, I promise I’ll get her back safe… okay?

Nothing bad ever happens in Hawaii, right?

Remember, nothing exists until we get there!

We’re not really hunting goats here, are we?

We have more monologues for You!