Carl Bernstein Monologues

I think it’s Magruder because at one time he was the temporary head of the Committee to Re-Elect before Mitchell.

Boy, that woman was paranoid! At one point I – I suddenly wondered how high up this thing goes, and her paranoia finally got to me, and I thought what we had was so hot that any minute CBS or NBC were going to come in through the windows and take the story away.

Bob, listen, I think I’ve got something, I don’t know what it is. But somewhere in this world there is a Kenneth H. Dahlberg, and we gotta get to him before the New York Times does, because I think they’ve got the same information.

So if the break-in was just one incident in a campaign of sabotage that began a whole year before Watergate…

This isn’t so crazy. This whole thing didn’t start with the bugging of the headquarters.

And a year before, Nixon wasn’t slaughtering Muskie, he was running behind Muskie, before Muskie self-destructed.

I was wondering if Hugh Sloan was being set up now as a fall guy for John Mitchell? What do you think?

No, do you have to see him that way? Can’t you just call him up on the telephone and say you want to have a drink with him? Just feel him out? You say the relationship is over. What the hell do you have to lose?

All these neat, little houses and all these nice, little streets… It’s hard to believe that something’s wrong with some of those little houses.

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