Buddy ‘Aces’ Israel Monologues

You’re looking at me like, like… I just asked you the fucking square root of something.

Cinnamon roll? the cinnamon, the roll of the cinnamon. That looks like jizz… ya Eastern European jizz, that looks like some fuckhead shot his load on a 12000 dollar calf’s skin jacket. The twist? Its my 12000 dollar calf’s skin jacket. So ya got the semon, ok you got the human ejaculate

thats been allowed to soak in for like seven hours alright. Work its way into the fabric fuckin fibers…

…To what? Incinerate? Hugo there isn’t a fuckin laundry detergent or dry cleaning product known to man that will get that clean. Some shit, suffice it to say, just don’t wash out.

What do you see right now? You see exactly, and only what I choose to show you. That is illusion Ivy, that is the lie that I tell your eyes, makin’ the magic happen, in the moment, in that split second… but seeing behind this motherfucker and knowing… that it’s all bullshit.

But I can shape it, I can shift it, I can make it as real as this room. That’s why i’m valuable here Ivy and that is why you are not.

No, I tell you something. You know what? Listen to me. Listen. The deal is off in five minutes unless they give us something.

Bullshit! It isn’t! I am not… I don’t know how to say it any fucking louder. I am not giving up my boys. All right. End of fucking song.

No. I don’t have to do shit, which includes cooperating with these fuckers, until I get what I want! Listen to men. If we have to give them someone, give them Hugo, all right? I can take that, because he needs that regimented prison shit that they’ll give him.

It’s bigger than that. They want everybody. Ivy, Beanie, Hugo, the works.

This is not a fucking swap meet, all right Morrie? I’m not giving up my boys and you fucking know that. I gave you Sparazza. I’m gonna give them Sparazza and the west-coast syndicate gift-wrapped. Get it fucking done!

These flowers are wilted, I need you to call the florist.

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