Agent Jay Monologues

You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look GOOD.

See that? NYPD, means I will Knock Your Punkass Down!

All right, I’m in. ‘Cause there’s some next level shit going on and I’m OK with that. But before y’all go beaming me up there’s one thing you gotta remember: You chose me… so you recognized the skills, so I don’t want nobody calling me son or kid or sport or nothing like that, cool?

Well, yeah, you know, ’cause ’cause he never appreciated you anyway. In fact, you know what – you kicked HIM out! And now that he’s gone you’re gonna go into town, you go to Bloomingdale’s and find some nice dresses, get yourself s

ome shoes, you know, find somewhere, maybe you can get a facial. And, uh, oh – hire a decorator to come in here quick, ’cause… DAMN.

It just be raining black people in New York!

Well, well. Big, bad Bug got a bit of a soft spot, huh? What I can’t understand is, why you gotta come down here bringing all this ruckus! Snatching up galaxies and everything. My attitude is: don’t start nothing, won’t BE nothing!

All we gotta do is go in here and get a cat. It’s not that hard. But if you go in there, you’re gonna lay your Jack Webb on her, start flashing your brain-ray all in her face. You’re gonna wind up giving her leukemia or something. Woman’s a doctor, she don’t need you flashing away half her med school classes. Five minutes.

Your boy, Captain America, here. “The best of the best of the best, sir!” “With honours.” He’s just really excited, and he has no clue why we’re here. That’s very funny to me. Y’all ain’t laughing, though.

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